Fireside Chat
Join us for an opportunity to be with caring people who wish to chat, listen, share, and learn.

Our Hosts

McFinn Lovere
ALS Advocate &
McFinn Lovere was diagnosed with ALS in 2006 at the UCSF, he was only able to move his head and two fingers. His spirituality and team of caretakers gave him HOPE and he is documented as the 42nd "ALS Reversal" by Dr.Bedlack. At EverythingALS, he aims to bring meaning, hope, and an uplifting atmosphere to a community that he knows very intimately and one that needs it most. His email address is mcfinn@everythingals.org

Janie Gobeli
Janie Gobeli received her diagnosis in 2021, if you need the encouragement, hope, and support to keep fighting contact me at janie@everythingals.org

Kathleen McCallum
Kathleen McCallum, and for the past two years, I have been helping my friend Willard, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2022. There is hope, and if I can help provide it for you, please contact me at kathleen@everythingals.org

Faith Oremland
Faith Oremland's son was diagnosed with ALS in January 2022. If you are dealing with the challenges of being a parent to a child with ALS, issues with family communications, and learning how to live positively in the face of ALS, please get in touch with me at faith@everythingals.org

Joe Redmond
Joe Redmond was diagnosed with ALS in 2012.
If I can make your journey any easier, or if you have any questions, let me help you find answers. My hope is to be the resource you need. Reach out to me at joe@everythingals.org

Willard Blackwell
Willard Blackwell was diagnosed with ALS in May of 2022. A professional singer and musician leading the Gator Nation Band. Please get in touch with me at willard@everythingals.org

John Hudacek
John Hudacek was diagnosed with ALS in November 2021. He is a slow progressor.
Now is the time to discover the hidden strength in each of us. I am honored to hold your hand on this journey, reach me at john@everythingals.org

Michael Montemayor
Mike Montemayor was diagnosed with ALS in Julyof 2003. I hope to be able to help others with ALS as well. God Bless!! mike@everythingals.org

Shawn Penno
Shawn Penno was diagnosed with ALS in September 2023. He has been a care aide for 25 years, 2 in long-term care and the rest in the Community. Please reach out if you need someone to 'vent' to, help with problems, or someone to talk to alleviate the isolation shawn@everythingals.org

Siddu Tummala
Siddu (Sridhar) Tummala is the CEO of Cresido Analytics. Reach out to me at siddu@everythingals.org

David McLaughlin
David McLaughlin was diagnosed with ALS in October 2024. Let's walk this path together and support each other every step of the way. Reach out to me at david@everythingals.org